This time? I'm giving away THREE advance copies of GONE. And maybe a couple copies of WAKE and FADE. And a darling, adorable dream necklace that I bought from JB and Me in my old hometown of Holland, MI.

This contest is open to the entire universe, as long as you have a mailing address.
Here's how you enter:
Tell people about my books. You can...
-add the magic countdown widget to your blog (grab it from a few posts below)
-link to this contest and let your friends know about it
-post a blog review or a notice of the contest or my books to your followers
-tweet about it
-put it in your facebook/myspace status
-write a review on, etc
-write a review in your school newspaper or tell ten friends/acquaintances/enemies to read the WAKE trilogy
-whatever other creative way you can think of to get the word out (picket signs on street corners, sandwich boards, naming a street after know. Fun stuff like that)
Post a quick note summarizing what you did in the comments below and provide a link if applicable.
Also post your email address so I can contact you if you win.
Easy peasy. Done.
This is the only location on the internet where you can enter. Do not try to enter by tweeting at me or sending me email or facebook messages.
IF you do not want to win GONE (book 3) but would like WAKE (book 1) or FADE (book 2) instead, just mention that in your post. I recognize that some people entering will not have read the first book yet, so that might be more appealing to some. YES, I will still give away three copies of GONE no matter what.
PLEASE do not ask me a thousand different questions about what qualifies as spreading the word, or if you're doing it right. If you don't understand, don't enter. Or ask a friend. Just do something like I mentioned above and assume I won't disqualify you. If you feel good about it, so do I. I love you but I'm kinda busy right now so I'm not taking questions on the contest.
(GOSH, McMann. So cranky.)
Hey, why not find me on facebook / twitter / myspace while you're at it?
Lots of love to all of you, and again, THANK YOU for all you have done for me. I really appreciate the way you guys spread the word. You make me so happy and thankful.
i retweeted your post about the contest (@meaghankoci)
meaghan_koci (at) yahoo (dot) com
I cannot wait to read Gone!
dasuzuki at yahoo dot com
+1 I linked to the giveaway here:
+1 I tweeted
+1 I also posted on my Facebook page but not sure how to link to that
+1 I reviewed Fade on Amazon (D. Suzuki)
I shared the link on my facebook account to let my friends know about the contest!
I'm walking around with my fingers crossed until you announce the winners, just so you know! :D
Sorry, I removed the other post because I'd forgotten to add my email address.
Hi, Lisa! What a great contest! We "met" on the reader girlz blog during teen read week and I was fortunate enough to win a copy of WAKE *fangirl squeal*
I've posted a link to your contest in my side bar, as well as a blog post, a tweet and a note and status update on Facebook. After I read the series, I will definitely review on my blog, amazon, goodreads and Barnes and Noble.
So far I retweeted your contest and mentioned it on Facebook.
But don't worry, the Mundie Moms are on the case to come up with some more creative ways!
I reposted the link on my blog, my twitter and my facebook
My Blog Link-
My Email
I tweeted. :)
Um, I have read Wake, but not Fade. However, regardless of whether I win Fade or Gone, I will have to buy the other anyway, whatever works out best. :)
Woohoo! Contests! I'd love an ARC of Gone!!! :)
bookreviewsbyjess (@)
I Tweeted your contest and added it to my sidebar. I'll do a blog post a week before the end date too.
I'd read both Wake and Fade. :)
Can't wait to read Gone!
HI Lisa, OMG I love LOVED wake and gone - I have retweeted about this contest, and told SOO many friends/family about wake and fade - my daugher's getting ready to read them and her teacher is thinking about reading them to the class - at least Fade we were talking about it the other day...he said it sounds amazing so he's reading it now :)
Thank you soo much for the awesome books - LOVE them!
and CANT wait to find out what happens next!
Ack! I forgot my email address, too!
I guess I will just have to post on Facebook to add an extra entry. ;)
my email is lchardesty (at) yahoo (dot) com
I posted your magic widget on my library myspace page
thanks for a great contest and for great books!
awesome!! I cannot wait for Gone!
I retweeted your post about the contest (cynthial11)
I also posted it on my facebook page (
My email is
Already posted in Facebook although I'm from Argentina and I don't think any of my friends read your books... But I'm crazy about them! And about Cabel of course!
Don't know how to posted in twitter but I'll find out. Don't worry
e-mail adress: persefone27 (at) yahoo (dot) com (dot) ar
I just posted it on Facebook. My email is
Posted on my facebook and emailed to several friends :)
I'm so seriously psyched to read GONE!!!! Finished Wake and Fade in one sitting! Need more Janie and Cabel!!!
Social Foundation Network (A Canadian social site): (profile is: Amy Epps Stewart)
Good Reads:
I cannot wait to read GONE! Thanks for the giveaway!
I posted about this on my blog:
I tweeted your post about this contest
I'd love to win GONE! I'm so excited to read it... if I don't win, I'm totally rushing out and buying it the day it is released!
I've added the countdown widget to my sidebar and added this contest to to the list of ongoing contests. I've also tweeted a link to the contest.
Sara @ The Hiding Spot
I posted on my Facebook status for everyone to read Wake,and I suggested it as our next read for the teen book club I started.
I posted the widget on my blog here.
My reviews of Wake and FadeFade. Also posted on Amazon.
Thanks for the excellent giveaway!
angiegirl (at) gmail (dot) com
On twitter:
My blog:
deustar13 (at) gmail(dot)com
I tweeted and posted on my blog.
This is so nice of you to do.
Okay, I posted the widget to sidebar on
Tweeted about it @lauram68
And posted it to my facebook
Great contest and cannot wait to read Gone!
I posted the notice on our Great Reads club.
OMG this is awesome!! and I loved to meet you in ATBF! (The one with the cute little daughter, LOL) Ok so here I go:
Since Wake series is my top favorite series and CABEL is MY top favorite book guy (he's my top #1 followed by PO -Graceling- and Jace -Mortal Instuments-) I can't even remember all the times I've promoted it but I'll try:
- I reviewed both Wake and Fade on my blog, amazon and Goodreads
- I've answered more times than I can remember what my favorite series is in my blog, on other blogs, on contests and on Yahoo Answers
- Fade is going on my post for top 10 books for 2009 in my blog and on my University's newspaper (I write there)
- I linked the giveaway to my sidebar:
- I RTd your tweet as soon as I saw it! (SabriHorande)
Here's one link to a contest I did about top series:
And the results:
I'd die if I won GONE! Thanks Lisa!! You're awesome!
I harassed two of my best friends and my cousin into reading Wake and Fade (they loved the series, so they forgave me for being such a persistent annoyance)and recommended it everyone else on my facebook status.
Posted in my status update on FB
posted as a link on FB and reposted my goodreads reviews on my FB page.
Reviewed WAKE and FADE on amazon and goodreads.
I tweeted
I posted a blog about your books and the contest here:
which also posted to myspace, twitter & facebook
Thanks for the wonderful books Lisa!
Well, I HAVE to take part in this contest.
By the way, I'll tell you my email first:
I'm telling you about what I did: I'm a huge Spanish fan of yours, and I have had a blog for almost a year now. The second review I ever did (my second post ever) was for WAKE. I even translated its first chapter so that Spanish readers could have a sneak peak:
However, as a fellow blogger, you must know that the first posts aren't usually very good (actually, my first posts were awful). So I decided to create a new review a few months later, so that people could really know about your books. I posted it just after you posted the cover for GONE, and this time, I reviewed both WAKE and FADE:
Later, when you posted Cabe's short story, I also blogged about it here...:
And (last but not least) your books are strong pieces of my recommendations (and yes: I know of some people who read the because of them, and who loved them just as much as me!!):
Actually (okay, I'm sounding a little pathetic), I was thinking to launch a contest in my blog with your books as a prize as a celebration for my first bloggoversary.
So yes, I admit it: I'm a fan :)
Have been for a long time...
. I post it on my status on Myspace and FaceBook
. I blog'd about it on Myspace
. I post'd a bulletin and linked it to contest details and your website.
. I have always been speaking with friends and family members about your book before the contest.
. Our BookClub "Midnight Snack" will be making a PodCast reviewing your books and pluggin Gone!!
Sorry, I forgot: I just posted abou this contest in my sidebar:
I tweeted about it at:
I did ....
I added the magic countdown widget to my blog( my blog below)
-email all of my friends about it
-posted a blog review or a notice of the contest
-I tweeted about it
-i told all of my friends to read the WAKE trilogy
A huge fan!!
My email:
I want Gone, badly. really badly. i need to read it:)
+1: posted magic widget
+1: linked to sidebar-
+1: tweeted-
I am so exciting to read this!!
tweeted about contest here:
findjessyhere at gmail dot com
I did the widget on facebook: and myspace:
I linked to the contest in my Facebook and MySpace status. I loved Wake and Fade and am looking forward eagerly to Gone!
sashavivelo (at) gmail (dot) com
I posted in my status on facebook about all 3 books and added a link to your blog. Can't wait for Gone.
A chance to win GONE. If I get this lucky and win, I swear I'll do whatever it takes to make people read your books. Now this contest will invade my dreams every night. Oh gawd.
+1 I retweeted about the contest:
+1 Me and some friends created a brazilian fansite for your books:
+1 I talked so much about your books at the Fallen Archangel forum that I got some of the girls to read it. And they LOVED it. You can check it here:
Can't wait for Gone!
Talked about Gone and the contest in my Myspace status :)
I placed an announcement on my facebook page (Cristina Tostado) not sure about all this linking stuff.
Can't wait for GONE although I'm a little nervous with the clips I've come across... Please let Janie be alright! =)
Hi Lisa ! This is Kendall, I am 14 years old and I LOVE your books ! I cant wait for Gone to come out so i figured Id give your contest a try. So here is my list of things I've done to spread the word about you and your books:
1) posted the link to your contest in my Facebook status
2) posted the link to your contest in my Twitter
3) posted as my message on MSN
4) Made a web page for your books and the contest ! link:
5) posted on Myspace status thingy
6) posted a blog on Nexopia link:
7) recommended the series to everyone i know :)
8) posted as my message on yahoo
9) posted as my message on NerdFighters link:
10) Sent an Email to Ellen DeGenerous telling her about your books, how much i love them, and if she could spread the word :)
I know I probably don't have a very good chance of winning but I am determined ! Thanks ! Kendall xoxo
Hi Lisa ! This is Kendall, I am 14 years old and I LOVE your books ! I cant wait for Gone to come out so i figured Id give your contest a try. So here is my list of things I've done to spread the word about you and your books:
1) posted the link to your contest in my Facebook status
2) posted the link to your contest in my Twitter
3) posted as my message on MSN
4) Made a web page for your books and the contest ! link:
5) posted on Myspace status thingy
6) posted a blog on Nexopia link:
7) recommended the series to everyone i know :)
8) posted as my message on yahoo
9) posted as my message on NerdFighters link:
10) Sent an Email to Ellen DeGenerous telling her about your books, how much i love them, and if she could spread the word :)
I know I probably don't have a very good chance of winning but I am determined ! Thanks ! Kendall xoxo
>> Email :
MySpace (Free Website)
Posted in my Books area and on the Bulletin Board and my blog.
Piczo (Free website)
Posted on my personal website....on the front page.
Pogo (Free game site)
Listed on about me and favorite movies
MatchDoctor (Free Dating site)¤tView=3&userName=sweetness4u2003&page=1&userID=10617463&indexID=1&profileView=0
My profile page listed in about my work
Posted your website on my Yahoo messenger and Hotmail messenger
Windows Live ...My Blog!F4DB437086C127F7!395.trak
hymerkim at hotmail dot com
I'm tweeting about the books and the contest in portuguese on my twitter (@gabscarol)
I just posted a review of Wake and Fade in portuguese on my blog,
I help a brazilian fansite ,
I'm in the book community on the orkut
And I tell my friends about the books. Like, a lot
And Lisa, can I just say you're made of awsome? not for the contest, but I find it really cool how close you try to be with your fans.
whopsie, forgot my email
I'm on
So, I RT'd your tweet about the contest (@Lakien)
Posted the Gone countdown and told people to read the books in my blog (, it's in portuguese, BTW.
Plus, it's already been mentioned, but I co-own a brazilian Wake fansite, with Clockwork Prune, who's already posted it. (
And we'll keep telling people to read it, contest or no contest. Because they rock. ^-^
My email:
- Tweeted about it (@PageTurnersBlog)
- The Widget is in our "final countdown" widget area
- Posted about it
- Added the contest to our contest alert
secsec1 (at) gmail (dot) com
Yay! I'm always so happy when I find a new post I haven't yet read on your blog. It's especially exciting when it involves a contest... ;)
Well this one is pretty simple...
I have already written a book review, for my school newspaper, sometime last year. (Ain't it the best? I actually have an excuse to read wicked cool books. I love it!)
I have lent my well worn copy of Wake to like twelve people? Thirteen? I don't remember, but I do know that more than half of them loved your books and bought their very own copy. :o)
And a lovely Amazon review is posted somewhere... Somewhere on only God knows where. Just kidding, it's under hannah s. if you'd like to search...
Oh wow, i should really get started on my H.W. My goodness, you should see how much freaking H.W. my science teacher assigned us tonight. It sucks.
Thank you for the contest and sorry for the ridiculously long post!
-hannah s.
P.s. However, your books are so great, even if I hadn't spread the word, someone else near me would have. Can't wait till Gone! Love Cabel forever!
xoxosweeet (at) yahoo (dot) com
three e's in sweeet ;)
-hannah s.
Yay! Thanks! I'd love to win an ARC of Gone.
I put the magic widget on blog: (At the bottom.)
shutupjessicasreading at gmaildotcom
Retweeted about the contest!!
Thanks for the great contest!
- I posted the contest link to my sidebar
- I wrote a post about the contest
I've had the widget on my sidebar since it debuted XD I am THAT EXCITED for this book.
I am very excited about Gone!
+1 Tweet with the link to the contest @christenlq "Lisa McMann Check out the new contest! "Gone" comes out in February '10!!"
+1 Facebook link addy and status update
christenlq (at) yahoo (dot) com
I want to read Gone so bad!!!!
I added you widget:
(at the bottom)
On my sidebar:
I tweeted about your contest (raycee3)
I want to read Gone!!!!
I tweeted
hefollowedme AT gmail DOT com
Just wanted to let you know I had just written up a little something in my blog, just the other day. I will edit it to add your contest and tweet some more. I am so excited about book three! Thanks, m~
Sounds like a great chance to score a copy of (from what I've heard) some great books! I myself have not read the series so I would much prefer BOOK ONE as opposed to the third (kind of like to start at the beginning). =0)
- Linking to contest via sidebar on blog under contests (
- tweet tweet! (
Thanks for the great contest!
I have wanted to read your books since the day they came out, but I have yet to do so :/ I would LOVE Wake, as I have yet to read it. I tweeted about this contest/you/your books. I am @MusingsOfAGirl. My page is Thanks for the c ontest!
I tweeted about this contest @bianca1946
I've definitely have told countless people when talking about some really nice books.
I've wrote a review of Wake (and will be doing one of Fade soon) on my blog
infinitemusic19 at gmail dot com
I posted about the contest, and about how much i luv Wake and Fade on my facebook profile @:
I'll try to keep it there as my status, as long as possible, it was posted on: Nov. 6th 2009 @ 4:07 pm :)
You can contact me @:
Sincerely, Mary G. Knowles
I posted the widget at a message board here:
:] I posted about the contest on my Facebook profile:
posted widget at Primetime TV Message Board
I retweeted :)
Just started the Wake and love it so far!
Ohh, I'd love to be entered in to win a cope of WAKE. I haven't started the series yet but everyone seems to have read them already and say such great things, so I need to jump on the bandwagon!
I retweeted here -
I posted about this on my blog and I have both countdown widgets on there, too!
here's my blog:
I love these books soooo much! They are my favorite!
I just posted about the contest on my Facebook Profile :-)
Contact Info-
I just posted about the contest on my Facebook Profile :-)
Contact Info-
would love to win!
Ok here's what I did
I tweeted
I talked about the cover of Wake with my students (7th graders) and posted about the cover on my blog
I convinced my "non reader" sister to read Wake and she wanted Fade right away. She's really excited for Gone.
foltzsfantasticbooks at
We posted the giveaway on our blog here
I am super excited for Gone!! I can't wait to read.
I tweeted:
And I posted on my Facebook.
xdanxnicholex3 at yahoo dot com
I am doing to happy dance... so excited a chance to read the third book..... yepppeee
I wrote "Gone" in BIG letters across my cars window, along with its release date n your name(in chalk ofcourse or my dad would kill me) but now whereever i drive someone asks about it and i can really pass on the word.
I put a link in my status at:
I added the magic widget to:
I told my friends about the contest.
And my email is
I've read Wake and Fade, and I absolutely LOVE them. I'm so excited for Gone to come out!
I wrote a review for WAKE--hope that counts!
(p.s. could I have Fade instead? haven't read it yet :))
I wrote about the books and posted it on my facebook status. thanks for the contest! i cant wait to read gone!
Ashley R.
I created a WAKE poster, made 25 copies of it and posted them all around my neighborhood. I currentily don't own a digital camrea so I can't take any cool pics :^(
I talk about the books all the time and I made all of my friends read them. (3 new fans are born!!)
I also blogged about it on ( I'm the exact opposite of computer savvy so I don't know how 2 set up a link but u can check it out there.)
I'd be happy with GONE or the necklace. While the necklace would match the WAKE dogtag I got when you came to Books of Wonder up here in New York, I would love to rub GONE in my friends faces. Harsh because I got them hooked? Yes. Fair because they ripped a part of a page in my copy of FADE? Absolutely! (lol). My email adress is:
I'm so excited for GONE!
+ 1 linked to giveaway at First Novels Club sidebar
+ 1 added widget to First Novels Club blog
PS - This is my first time adding a widget, and I did it right AND changed the width so it fit on the blog! Go me!
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
firstnovelsclub [at] gmail [dot] com
HI...Love your books so waiting for Gone!
I would love to win. I should read the first one though >.<
FADE is currently heading my way from Amazon right now and should arrive this way. I'm just mad for WAKE though and I can't wait until GONE is out.
So I posted a review on my blog (and a note about the contest) here:
And an Amazon review of Wake here:
Great contest for those of us unable to wait until the release date for GONE! Thanks Lisa!
My email:
I am RT the tweet I found that told me about your contest.
I posted the countdown on my facebook ( I am a fan of yours on face book, name is Kaitlyn Filler).
I also posted the link to the countdown on my twitter account. URL is
I teach grade 8 in New Brunswick, Canada. I am spreading the word about Wake, Fade and Gone in the classes I am teaching this year. You have some great new fans who are VERY excited about Gone's upcoming debut in February! Last week, I ran into one of my students from last year. She specifically asked me when the third Janie book was being published. Thank you for writing these engaging books that have helped me encourage and hook my reluctant teen readers! Oh...and well, I have to admit that I love them too, and I am far from being a teen anymore!
I haven't actually read Fade yet although I hear great things so I would love to win it! I tweeted about your contest and put a side bar link to the contest on my blog as well.
My twitter: @thenovelhovel
my blog:
my email:
I would love to win a copy of Wake! I've had this on my TBR list and have wanted to review it on my blog for a long time, but the waiting list at the library is long and I'm at the bottom!
Natalie @ Mindful Musings
Cool contest.
I posted the widget here:
The widget is also on the sidebar and the contest is listed under contests on the sidebar here:
I have had Wake and Fade on my wishlist for a while. So I would prefer to start with Book 1 but however the contest works out is great. I will just fill in the holes with help from the bookstore.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Awesome!!! IF I win I'd love to get a copy of FADE
I linked your contest to my sidebar.
I just finished both Wake and Fade in back to back sittings. I didn't stop reading them until I was done.
Here's hoping Gone is just as good as the first two.
Here's my review at my blog:
Here's also my blog's e-mail address:
bookblogger22 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I tweeted about your contest! (
I also told ten of my friends about the contest and loaned WAKE to one of them to read. I also advertised WAKE and FADE on my status on Facebook.
I just got my mom to read Wake and Fade. She refused to read the Twilight Saga, so S. Meyer, 0, L. McMann, 1 (so far!) Still workin' on Facebook, Myspace, (my blog) and word of mouth love. PS Still trying to get out of work so I can see you in K-Zoo. And don't worry, MI hasn't sunk into the winter chill yet. It was 50 today- in November!
Can't wait for February!
Just posted a cheerful, yet forceful, recommendation on Myspace, Facebook, Twitter & my blog for EVERYONE to read the WAKE Trilogy. And I posted the widget on my blog and Myspace page. I'm nothing if not thorough...and forceful. HAHA
I've been telling other online communities (Delphiforums, blogs, etc) about your books since I first read Wake.
I don't loan my books out- ever. There is just something innately wrong about letting someone else snarf Cheetos over your keeper books, yanno? So instead of throwing myself on the alter of self-sacrifice, I purchased five additional sets of Wake and Fade to give to my friends- who have loaned out their copies or said a collective no to Cheeto snarfing.
One friend (and I have no idea how we've remained friends) is a notorious spine snapper of books- AND she folds over the pages. Who does that? They make bookmarks for a reason! Anyway, she was one of the recipients for your books. She turned to a new page- not only did she NOT crack their spines but she also used the bookmark I sent with them. They are residing on her keeper shelf- where she refuses to loan them out. There is hope yet for her. :-)
I'm a big fan!! :) & I would LOVE to win Gone... I have read Wake & I bought Fade today(going to start it ASAP)
-I tweeted about the contest & about the books.
-Posted the gadget on Myspace
-Emailed my friends & family
-Will keep spreading the word
I just turned a complete stranger into a Wake Tril. reader, and problem missed out on any educational value the professional development training had to offer.
I spent the entire second half of the training workshop that my job paid for (suckers!) telling my neighbor (who just happened to be named Lisa) how fabulous Wake & Fade are and how Gone is only a few months away. She jotted down Wake- McMann on her notebook at the end of the day. :)
I posted the magic widget on my myspace profile and posted about this contest in both my facebook and myspace stats!
I have read wake but not fade so if I by chance win I would like to receive fade :D
+1 Added the magic countdown wigit to my blog (
+1 added it to my sidebar (
+1 posted on blog (
+1 Tweeted (
+1 I let my barista at Starbucks borrow Wake
i tweeted about the contest
I can't wait to read Gone. I added the widget to my blog on myspace.
I linked this contest on my sidebar @
I linked to the contest in my sidebar:
kelseythebookscout at gmail dot com
blogged about it..
Hi Lisa,
I am a huge fan of the first two novels "Wake" and "Fade." I have posted your widget on my blog site. I am creating a blog for my library class of YA novels and have included both of yours! Here is the link to find me:
Hope I win! If I don't I'll be buying the book.
Hi, Lisa!
Thanks for hosting this awesome giveaway! I would love to win your first book, since I didn't have a chance to read it yet, and I'm dying to...
-I posted about the contest in my sidebar (
-grabbed the widget
-tweeted about the contest (I'm ivana_writes)
-following you on Twitter and Facebook fan
Thank you!
ivanaquick at gmail dot com
Cool! I've only read Wake and would love to read the others!
+1 Added the widget on my sidebar:
+1 Linked the contest:
+1 Posted a blog notice:
+1 Tweeted:
bunnybx at gmail . com
I really want to read Wake. I'm from Russia and It's very hard to find this book
I tweeted=)
and told about your books my friends in english courses))
Sorry, i just forgot my email:
rouxsoleil @
Hiya! Thanks for the coolie-cat opportunity. An arc copy of GONE would be absolutely stellar and most definitely something I would, well, I don't know... uh, jump off Mt. Olympus for? Baby-sit my brother for? Sleep in an abandoned hospital for?
However, you do understand my point and so we shall move on.
I've been thinking of some crazy creative way to spread the word on GONE, but I came up blank. Although I did write a book review for WAKE only last year. (I am on my high school's newspaper staff) I also had the school announcer announce-because that is what they do- the following words:
Written by Lisa McMann.
Read it, or be square.
Lovely eh?
Assuming no one was absent, a whopping 2100 students heard the message on Friday. Nearly 20 kids came up to me during lunch, promising they would check the trilogy out. I'm not sure how many will actually keep their word, but they'd be crazy not to. :o)
If I think of anything better, I'll make sure to do that as well.
Thanks again!
-hannah a.k.a. Dark haired girl in the back. The one crossing her fingers.
speaktome90 (at) yahoo (dot) com
the books are sooooooooooooooo awesome and i loved reading and i told anyone who is looking for a good book to read in their spare time to read wake and fade i loved reading them and i cant wait till gone comes out im waiting i wish it could come out now. the books were awesome.
Does posting reviews on Goodreads count? I got an ARC from a friend and so I have now reviewed the entire trilogy!
Here's my Goodreads profile:
+1 I blogged.
+1 Tweeted.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
I blogged about it here...
I tweeted, its linked to my face book, how I cant wait for Gone, by you, to come out in February 2010. Plus my daughter is getting ready to read them next. Her reading list is starting to rival mine, lol.
Twitter- csmbsailor
Gone is going to be great. I posted the countdown clock on my sidebar of my blog. Heres the blog: www dot readlovehappiness dot com
email: morgansact at comcast dot net
[deleted my other comment because I had to add something]
I added the magic countdown widget to my blog's sidebar:
(scroll down a bit)
I posted in a blog entry as well:
I also told my sisters & friends about your series. Two of them read WAKE & enjoyed it! :D
My e-mail: naruto_and_hinata (a) hotmail (dot) com
I've blogged about this giveaway here.
Wow, great contest. Thanks for making it international!
I blogged about it here:
I also tweeted about it here:
What a great giveaway! please enter me!
- tweeted
- sidebar
sidebar :
Book looks amazing. x.
+1 I posted on facebook status
+1 I tweeted
+1 posted on side bar
+1 I told my mom and my math and english teacher to read WAKE!!!
I tweeted the link to this and also told my librarian how insanely awesome these books are and how much I loveee them.
Had to delete the other and re-post to make a change. =]
These are the places I have posted about your books!
I made a countdown for GONE. Here' the link -->¬e_id=193450523374
I posted my status on Twitter, MySpace, and MyYearbook. I also posted a review on
On MySpace and MyYearbook, the covers of your books make up the background of my pages. I’ve also put the name of the series in the Books section of my pages and I’ve told many of my friends about the books. =]
My email is ahewer@wowway (dot) com
I never win anything...but I'll just try this anyway :D
-I promoted "Gone" with my facebook status
-I wrote a positive review on (username: MizuiroMegami)
-Wrote another review on (
-Told my boyfriend that he was exactly like Cabel and should read Wake and Fade even though they are aimed towards girl readers
-Told one (of my only) friends to read it...and the school librarian
-Wish I could tweet but I don't have an account >.<
-Went in other people's dreams and told them to read it :D
I don't care if I win Gone (even though I want to)...but Wake or Fade would be good enough for me.
Thank you sooo much!
I am extremely excited about GONE. I hate having to wait for new releases in series. I always end up reading the other books in the series several times waiting for the next! And, of course I have done that with WAKE and FADE!
When I saw this contest I knew just what to do. I read a lot, and I always share my faves with anyone who will listen. I've been wanting to start a NOTES list on Facebook about my favorite books so I decided to start with WAKE and FADE and lead with the release date of GONE! I posted it on my facebook page and also announced the release date, and how excited I am, in my status! I also told everyone to friend you and the book on facebook and visit your website.
I'm really excited about the chance to win an advanced copy of GONE. It's so hard to get Advanced copies of GREAT books these days. I used to work in a bookstore. If I win, I will certainly read it in a day and tell everyone I know about it!!!
Thanks for giving us these wonderful books.
Well, on my blog, I posted a blog post on this super duper contest, and I put your contest on my sidebar!
My blog is
My email. theveronicaproject(at)gmail[dot]com
Thanks for this awesome contest!
~ Veronica
Whoops! I also forgot to mention that I would like to read WAKE, not GONE nor FADE. I haven't read any of your books and I have been WAITING SO LONG to read them! :)
Veronica =D
posted reviews for Wake and Fade at both Goodreads and Amazon:
Lexie C.
+ 1 Posted widget on my homepage here:
+ 1 Reviewed "wake" on here:
+ 1 Reviewed "Fade" on here:
I would love to win WAKE (book 1)!
I tweeted this contest:
AHHHH, ARC of GONE. *needs*
I RT your tweet
I've been telling my book group at school for so long to read your books. My friend, the sponsor of my book club, and I came to your signing in Naperville this summer as a result of that, though I don't know if this counts.
Please enter me!! I need to know what happens in GONE, especially after you read the teaser chapters aloud at the signing!!!!!!
barbrafl737 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I posted the site on my facebook and I hyped up the books as well.. I love your books, they are so awesome!!!
My email is :)
Oooh a contest!
So far, I've:
♥ Retweeted your tweet about this contest. (@laiannafee)
♥ Posted the magic Lisa McMann widget on the front page of my website,
♥ Wrote a review a while back on that same site:
♥ Wrote reviews for WAKE & FADE on The name I used is "Laianna" & it said it could take up to 72 hours to post.
♥ Have told several friends about the series. Not sure how I'd prove that one. =P
♥ Have a picture of GONE's book cover in my universal signature on forums, etc. It's just the chair, but people keep asking me about it, it's so intriguing! =)
Will try to advertise more...
Anyway, love the books.
Can't wait to read GONE!
I've got Wake (book 1) on my reading stack, so I'd really love to receive book 2 - Fade.
- I posted a link to this contest on my sidebar:
- I posted a tweet about this contest:
-posted a notice of the contest
aikychien at yahoo dot com
Great contest idea!!! I've posted it as my status on FB and will spread the word to all of my students...perhaps we should make it a required reading :)
OMG i've been wanting to get my hands on gone foorrrreva (what it feels like) i've read the first two, i had to order them overseas to read them, so i hope i have a good chance at this comp :)
I tweeted about comp,
wateva_08 at hotmail dot com
thanks so much :D
I posted it in my facebook status!
I can't wait for GONE!!
I put the "Don't dream and drive" avatar as my picture for Googletalk and explained what it was about. lol I love that picture. I also wrote about the books on my Facebook!! Thanks! Sorry i don't know how to show you the page!<33
First of all, love the books more than I love oxygen and water.
Okay, what I did was recommend to my bagel and book club that we should read the book after we have finished the time travelers wife. I also reviewed the book on the Barnes and Noble, (rating it a five star read!!!) I told a whole bunch of my friends about how absolutely amazing it is and how if it is ever made into a movie, i want the part of Janie!!
Hello! Thank you for the opportunity!
+ I Tweeted on this:
Well, anytime any of my friends ask to borrow a book or ask what to read, I always say WAKE. =)
Oh, and I have WAKE and GONE and would really love to get FADE. Thanks. =)
hi i posted the magic countdown widget to my myspace and said a little something about the book.
Here is the link to my myspace.
and my email is
I loved Wake and Fade and cant wait for Gone to come out Ive been on your page everyday since it I finished Fade(the second day it came to see how much longer I had to wait for it.
I posted it in my facebook status along with a link to your blog.
I also sent messages to some of my friends who love to read, telling them about these amazing books.
My email is:
I updated my Facebook status about how I finished your first 2 books, and how I'm excited for "Gone"!
You can find me on Facebook to confirm the updated status under my name at Rebecca 'Rosario' O'Dell!
Can't wait for "Gone"!
I tweeted :)
I would love to read GONE but starting at WAKE would be preferred.
+1 I added the widget to the sidebar. (
+1 I linked in the sidebar under "Book Giveaways." (
+1 I blogged it. (
+1 Tweet (
whatinabox (at) gmail (dot) com
i convinced my best friend's entire sorority to pick up your novel. hehe go me : )
I would like to win the first book, Wake please!
+1 tweet
+1 sidebar
+1 list post
total: +3
thanks! and happy thanksgiving!
- ninefly(at)
I posted a review and counter on my blog :
and also added a side link.
I also tweeted it : Lena1xoxo
I seriously can't wait for Gone. I loved Wake and Fade! Thank you so much Lisa! You're the best!
I TWEETED!!!!!!!!!!
I freaking LOVE your books, i saw you at the Texas teen book festival, awesome day !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Read my Tweet (link URL above). My high school kids LOVED Wake, and are already begging for Gone, and the one not yet released, Gone. Had to bring it home for the holidays to see. It is GREAT.
(And some may hate for saying so, but Im GLAD to see something my kids are more interested in than vampire and a wolf LOL)
Hi Lisa,
Here is how I shamelessly promoted your books during the month of November:
1) I stole your widget and put it on my blog.
2) I have tweeted about you and your books (@CountessLaurie)
3) I submitted a review on (as CountessLaurie)although it tells me it may take 72 hours to appear. I bet I receive 83 emails from them in that 72 hours.
4) I am promoting you and your books in my status on Facebook.
5) I wrote a book review on my blog -
6) I attempted to get the library to buy your books by requesting them. This backfired as they just inter-library-loaned them, but it did lead to a great conversation with the librarian about your books and why she should read them.
7) I made business cards with your website and book covers on one side, the Wake blurb on the other. I have passed out about 30 of these to everyone from friends to random people I have met using them as a springboard into why your books are so awesome. I was totally going to bring them to the 12:01 showing of New Moon, but in my haste forgot them (which sucks because that is totally your target audience). I posted a picture of the cards to my blog post as mentioned above so you can see them if you would like.
And for extra credit, I did remember that it was Cabel's birthday today and posted it to your wall and mine on Facebook :-)
Thanks for a chance to win a much coveted ARC! And for entertaining me!
Laurie Moore
l.moore.j(at)gmail(dot)com ... your #1 fan in Central Massachusetts. (tied with my sister)
Now if I could just find a way to get Borders to bring you up here for a reading, well, that would just make it all complete!!
e-mail: rzaman (at) chatham (dot) edu
-added widget to blog (
-Review of Wake:
(the same review can be found on Amazon:
-Review of Fade:
Hi Lisa! I retweeted your tweet about the contest and posted the link on Facebook.
Hey there! Please enter me in the contest. I made a post in the Teen Lit group on MySpace.
Here's what I posted...
"Posted: Nov 26, 2009 12:08 AM
If you haven’t read WAKE or FADE yet by Lisa McMann... you should! Great reads! Anyway, you have the chance to win either one of the titles mentioned above or an advance copy of her upcoming title, GONE!! You might even win a "dream" necklace. The necklace will make sense once you read the books. So what are you waiting for?!??
Check out info to enter to win here:
Check out Lisa McMann here:"
Thanks for hosting this contest!
I can be reached @
Hey Lisa, I wrote on my blog a little review for the girls in my grade. They are all hooked on your books and have been begging me to do this but I haven't had the time. But recently I did, so here it is:
If I do win, I would like a copy of Gone please.
I LOVE YOUR BOOKS!! SO MUCH! And I will do anything to get my hands on GONE asap!! but, not actually anything.... like nothing illegal.
but, I recorded a review of the book for my youtube channel! here's a link:
and I tweeted :)
And I already lent WAKE to a bunch of my friends... which is why I didn't have it in my video :) I am such a huge fan of the series (trilogy) and I cannot wait for GONE, as well as any other future books that you have planned. love you!!
I tweeted about it and added the widget to my myspace page. Also I retweeted your post about the contest! (@melaniecrotts)
My email is
I would really like Gone if I win!
I've lent out my Wake and Fade at LEAST twenty times to different people, who love it as much as I do now. :D We had a whole Borders Day where we drank coffee and raved about books, and those two were the most talked about.
Thanks for the contest!
(Lauren Reynolds) :D
I posted along time ago but just relized i for got my email. haha duh i feel dumb
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Denise W said...
I wrote "Gone" in BIG letters across my cars window, along with its release date n your name(in chalk ofcourse or my dad would kill me) but now whereever i drive someone asks about it and i can really pass on the word.
i posted the link to the contest on my facebook page, and told my friends to enter it. the link is If i win I would like to please recieve either Fade or Gone, and my email is
Yippee! Gimme some gone! Wait that's too selfish...right?
Tweeted (me @TheDriverPicks)
Losing sleep over your nightmares? Try landing in someone else's! Enter Lisa McMann's freaking huge contest
Er, am I too late? I'd love to be entered! :)
linked this on my sidebar:
>Pasted the link of your website on Facebook
>Recommended your books to our school library
>Word of mouth to all my friends (two of them read it and LOVED it, too =D)
email: ever.lastingxox (at) yahoo (dot) com
I've linked to this contest on my Facebook account (my page is somewhat private but I'm on your friends list, 99% sure I'm the only Carolee on there) :)
I retweeted the contest:
I cannot wait for Gone!
Thanks so much!!
I posted the link on my Facebook wall
I added the widget to my blog;
I did a small review of your books;
I talked about your contest on my blog;
I retweeted your message on Twitter about your contest;
I tweeted about my blog review and your contest on my Twitter;
I added the link to your contest on my Myspace status.
First I’d like to say if I win I would like a copy of Gone
I made a poster and hung it from the screen on my patio announcing the release date of Gone and to read Wake. I unfortunately forgot to take a picture of it before returning home for Thanksgiving, but can post a photo when I return to college.
I also made another poster and posted it so it can be seen through the back windshield of my car. The poster says to read Gone by Lisa McMann and the release date. A picture I took of it can be seen under my Facebook album titled Lisa McMann Contest here:
I made a third poster and posted it in front of my window at home so it can be seen from the outside saying the same thing as the previous poster. A picture I took can be seen under my Facebook album titled Lisa McMann Contest here:
I have retweeted about the contest here:
I posted a facebook status about the contest here:
I posted a myspace status about the contest here:
I posted a review of Wake on Amazon under the name of Rachel Hernandez:
I posted a review of Wake on under the name Rachel_H:
I posted a review of Wake on under the name Rachel H:
I posted a review of Fade on Amazon also under the name Rachel Hernandez:
I posted a review of Fade on also under the name of Rachel_H:
I posted a review of Fade on also under the name of Rachel H:
Of course I’ve also handed over my books to my friends and got them obsessed with your books as well.
Thank you for taking the time to read this (as long as it is) and for this contest. I’m so excited for Gone!!
Okay and lastly my e-mail address:
I seriously love this series!! I saw that Cabe's b-day was earlier this week, so happy belated b-day to him.
Anyway, I grabbed the magic widget for my sidebar and I RT your tweet the other day
This sounds like an absolutely awesome contest! Please enter me.
Re-tweeted your tweet (
I told my friends and sisters about your contest :)
if i win, i would like to win Gone please :)
i told my siblings and cousin about your contest....(she's reading it right now, actually)
^^ thats my e-mail
i told my sister about your contest :D
first of all, i need to tell you that i really love your books!.. they are supper awesome and i can't really wait for gone!.. is killing me! haha.. well here is what i have done:
*I put it in my twitter status several times..
*i put it in my facebook status
* i did posters!.. and i take pictures:
*i heard when you had the interview with Twilight Series Theories!.. and i comment.. here: I'M NUMBER 3
* I also made my speculation of whay was going to happen in gone, what i put was told in the podcast (of twilight series theories)!! I'M NUMBER 16
*i also made a video of the Wake and Fade and itroducing Gone:
* i told a lot of my friends!
my e-mail is
Thanks for doing this contest!.. i really hope to read gone really soon!.. we (you fans) love you!
ps.. the name of the video is Wake serie by Lisa Mcmann Trailer
I'm walking around with my fingers crossed until you announce the winners, just so you know
Work from home India
i think she already send emails to the people who win :(
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