I'm heading out in the morning for the third and final leg of my GONE tour. This time I'll be gone 12 days. And I've decided to attempt carry-on only.
1. Because I'm slightly crazy. Also because I managed it quite nicely for five days (Becca Fitzpatrick managed for six, so of course now I must beat her record)...and if I can do five days, I can do twelve, as long as I have a chance to stop at a drug store somewhere in there to restock on hair product (because it *is* all about the hair, isn't it?) and a hotel that does overnight laundry. Which I will have, because Simon & Schuster takes good care of me.
2. Because I don't like waiting to check bags, and I don't like waiting for my luggage. And I don't like fretting if the luggage doesn't arrive. With seven flights in snowy places, the chance of my bag being lost feels big.
3. Because I have a great carry-on that has wheels that swivel all directions, making a huge difference in maneuvering through the airport/bathrooms/airplane aisle. Huge HUGE difference. I mean it. I would not do carry-on without spinner luggage. (And no, I didn't pay $400 for it. It was 60% off when I bought it. Worth every penny)
4. Because I want new underwear. See, I don't think it's wise to send your undies out for hotel laundry. At $3-4 a pop to wash, it just doesn't seem worth it when you can buy new for that price. And you don't want to carry them with you for 12 days - yuck. So you just pack up all of your old grungy underwear that you've been meaning to get rid of, and throw it away every day. Surprise, housekeeping! And then when you get home, treat yourself to some new ones. :)
5. Because checking a bag means $20 with most airlines, and I'd rather spend it on laundry services, because they even iron stuff, if you can believe that. Crazy, I know.
6. Because I really only have 6 or 7 tops I love anyway, so why pack a bunch of clothes that I tell myself I'll wear when I know I really won't? When I'm on tour, I really just want to be comfortable and in my favorite clothes.
So...now that I've made the decision, I admit I'm a little nervous about it, but I think it's going to be okay. And I think I'll even have a teensy bit of room to spare.

So what's in the bag? I had to pack for cold and warm weather, as I'll be visiting St. Louis, Atlanta, Florida, Cincinnati, and Toronto.
Absolutely everything matches with everything else. My own personal Garanimals. Thin fabrics do well when rolled and they fit into those little gaps nicely. You won't mind if I'm a little wrinkly, will you?
Here's the list!
--13 pairs of undies* (an extra for emergencies, of course)
--10 pairs of socks* (that's all I own...so I may have to wear a couple pairs twice...)
--5 long sleeve tops
--2 short sleeve tops
--2 jackets*
--1 sweater*
--5 camis*
--3 pairs of jeans*
--1 pair of shoes* (Saucony walking shoes, well broken-in)
--1 pair cheapo flat slippers stolen from London Hotel NYC
--1 belt
--1 jammie shirt
--1 pair yoga pants
--1 "dry" toiletries bag
--computer cord
--phone charger
(*)indicates I'll be wearing one of these on the plane, so they will not be in the bag.
The quart-sized bag of liquids goes in my over-the-shoulder bag, which also holds:
--itinerary (prepared by my awesome publicist Nicole)
--Macbook air in a padded envelope (it's okay to laugh)
--a copy of GONE
--book signing pens
--sunflower seeds and an individual cup of peanut butter
--one small med bottle containing: ibuprofen, Tylenol PM (key for getting to sleep on time when wired from evening signing and having to get up early for school event), Excedrin (for after those double school events), antihistamine, immodium, and zantac. Yes, we travel prepared for everything, and when you eat 36 meals in a row on the road, you must be prepared.
So...I think I'm ready!